2013年9月-2016年7月 永利集团,硕士
2016年9月-2020年7月 永利集团,博士
2020年7月-2022年7月 永利集团,团队博士后,助理研究员
2022年10月-今 永利集团,讲师
1.Ma Z L, Lu Z, Zhu J Q, Zhang L, Elastic and inelastic J/ psi photoproduction in p-p collisions at LHC energies: Features of the Weizsacker-Williams approximation, Physical Review D 105, 094001, 2022/5.
2.Ma Z L, Lu Z, Zhu J Q, Zhang L, Photoproduction of dileptons, photons, and light vector mesons in p-p, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at Large Hadron Collider energies, Physical Review D 104, 074023, 2021/10.
3.Ma Z L, Zhu J Q, Photoproduction of dileptons and photons in p-p collisions at Large Hadron Collider energie, Physical Review D 97, 054030, 2018/3.
4.Ma Z L, Lu Z, Quark Wigner distribution of the pion meson in light-cone quark model, Physical Review D 98, 054024,2018/9.
5.Ma Z L, Lu Z, Quasiparton distribution function and quasigeneralized parton distribution of the pion in a spectator model, Physical Review D101, 114005, 2020/5.
6.Ma Z L, Lu Z, Zhang L, Validity of equivalent photon spectra and the photoproduction processes in p-p collisions, Nuclear Physics B 974,115645, 2021/12.
7.Ma Z L, Zhu J Q, Shi C Y, Li Y D, Quark Loop Contribution to the Gluon Damping Rate in Hot QCD, CPL 32, 121202, 2015/7.
8.Zhu J Q, Ma Z L, Shi C Y, Li Y D, Inelastic heavy quark and quarkonium ultra-incoherent photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions, Physical Review C 92, 054907, 2015/11.
9.Zhu J Q, Ma Z L, Shi C Y, Li Y D, Exclusive Higgs boson production through electromagnetic process in p–p and Pb–Pb ultra-peripheral collisions, Nuclear Physics B 900,431, 2015/9.
10.Zhu J Q, Ma Z L, Shi C Y, Li Y D, Thermal single-gluon exchange potential for heavy quarkonium in the static limitZhu J Q, Nuclear Physics A 942,54, 2015/8.
11.Shi C Y, Zhu J Q, Ma Z L, Li Y D, Thermal Width for Heavy Quarkonium in the Static Limit, CPL 32,121201, 2015/9.